Sorry guys the past few weeks of my life have been a bit hectic. I was finishing up school and I had to work and I had to do a lot in order to graduate. But I am done with school. Thank god. This saturday is my prom, and next friday is my graduation!
AGHHHH I am so excited for not having school on my back. It's been holding me back from doing many things.
I am very excited for my year off, should be very interesting. It hasn't hit me yet that that's it. My school life is OVER. No more.
I want to talk about some things that have been on my mind about my industry.
First of all it's very tough and I hate how people think it's easy and that I'm making thousands of dollars and cause i'm in nyc it makes it easier for me to get work. No, competition here is very high. BUT on that note, one thing i learned is to never let anyone put you down and dont ever listen to mean comments that people say. One reason for them trying to make you feel like shit is so that you would give up. There always will be someone to try and make you want to give up and if there is. Keep your chin high and dont listen to them. Dont get upset or mad or irritated. It's a waste of time. Get a cup of coffee or tea and just chill out and keep doing what you love because in the end, it's what makes you happy and it will only kill them deeper inside that you succeed.
One of my friends, I never had someone believe in me like she does. And sometimes when a rode for me gets tough , she's always there to support me , unlike other people.
Anyways, I think that's all for this blog. I shall write one tomorrow on some tips for photography.
P.S. For those who haven't seen! I shaved both of my sides!